Friday, August 17, 2007

Back to the East coast

Well, since the last time I wrote, 5 days ago, we have been from LA to Ardmore, OK, then down to Ft Worth,TX with a load to LA and now we are heading out of LA with a load to New Jersey. Busy busy..... After this load weshould get a load back to the Dallas area for our TAH. Gotta get the truck in the shop since it is leaning and I think that will be a Freightliner issue. Not sure if it is the suspension, cab mounts, airbags...who knows..

Found out we are getting the raise. Up to .39 cents starting September 30th. Sweet!

Not much else to say today. It is 6:15pm which is past my bedtime. I start driving WAY early in the morning. And my laptop battery is about dead. So I am going to call it a day. I will try to write more tomorrow.

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