Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yesterday things didn't go quite as planned. Turns out that they DID change our appointment to load until today. So yesterday, while sitting there thinking I still had to get loaded, I was signed in and they actually loaded me. The only problem is the load they gave me was for another Prime driver there that was a solo. They wanted him to take the load yesterday to deliver in Denver so that he would have time as a solo to make it there. After figuring out the cluster, I got with the other driver and we switched loads. After that we headed over to a hotel and spent the night there.

This morning I got up and we got out of the hotel and back over to the shipper at 0645. There were already probably 20 trucks there. Crap. I just knew that I was going to be sitting until mid-afternoon before I could get loaded. Knowing what to do I went across the scale so they could get my empty weight then I went inside to check in. Even with all of those trucks there, I was the first one loaded. It had something to do with where the load was going. Since it was the Denver run, it is supposed to be loaded ASAP so I could get on the road. I felt just a little bad since there were obviously a bunch of trucks already there, but not bad enough to offer for them to go first. LOL I had already waited over 24 hours for my load so I wanted to get it and get the heck out of there.

This was a cool place to load at though. I am hauling bulk potatoes. They put them on a conveyer belt and toss them into the back of the truck until they get you as close to a gross of 80,000 lbs that they can. It was fun to watch them being shot in the back of the trailer. The only problem is that since they are just loose in the back, when I hit a big bump or a bumpy bridge, they will move around. I can guarantee that my axle weight now is not what I started out with since I know the potatoes have shifted around. I just hope I am still legal! But I do have a CAT scale ticket showing I was lefal when I left. I can't control the condition of the roads out here!

This place that we picked up at also sets the appointment at the receiver. The appointment they set up for us is Monday at 2100. When I saw this, I got really aggravated. We gave that load yesterday to a solo because it was supposed to be a solo load and this load we picked up today was supposed to be a "team" load, meaning that we had less time to deliver than a solo would. After seeing the appointment time at the receiver that they gave up, a solo could have taken this load as STILL had extra time. ARGH!! Sometimes this is so frustrating! So we were dispatched on this Friday afternoon to pick-up on Saturday morning. They moved the pick-up to Sunday morning and now we deliver on Monday evening. That is three days to go a whopping 978 miles! Sheesh!!!!!!!!!

On the bright side, we are sending the July 4th weekend in Vegas with some friends! So the extra time we have tomorrow before we deliver will work to our advantage. We will be able to get the truck cleaned out and do some shopping. My swimsuit is MIA so I am going to have to buy a new one since we are spending Sunday out at the lake. Saturday we are gonna BBQ. We are really looking forward to it. These are some friends that we went to high school with that we haven't seen in over 20 years. Thanks to FaceBook we have connected back up so we are having a mini reunion. It should be lots of fun!!!!

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