Saturday, February 7, 2009


I tried to post yesterday but was in an area that I could not get a signal at all. So I will make up for it today.

Yesterday, Sam was nice enough to leave me a comment telling me that my blog was in the February issue of the Pilot Challenge. Of course the next Pilot I saw I had to pull in. I made a beeline for the rack and pulled one off. Sure enough, there it was! There was a great article in there about trucking blogs. At the end of the article there were several blogs listed. Sure enough, mine was on there. Isn't life strange sometimes? I started this blog initially just to chronical our life out on the road. Along the way it happened that I was actually helping some people make the decision on whether to become an OTR driver. I guess that is because I just tell it like it is out here. It isn't all roses but it certainly isn't all bad. The good FAR outweighs the bad. It certainly isn't for everyone, but it is the right career for a number of people. Although I am wondering how people actually find blogs on the web. I guess they fall into certain categories based on content or something. I guess I will leave that up to the blogspot people since it its out of my range of expertise!

When we picked this load up in Kalamazoo,MI we need we would need to hustle to get here on time. J had a couple of long days, as did I. But today I managed to pull into Barstow at the end of my shift with only 124 miles to go for an appointment time of 1900. That means after grabbing a sandwich from Subway and heading out, J is going to get us to the receiver about 3 hours early. Scratch that. I just remembered where we are going and we can't park there. crap! That means that we will have to stay at the TA until a little over an hour before we are due and then we can take off.

That is one of the really bad things about delivering out here in CA. There is NOWHERE to park. The truck stops are very limited in comparison to the number of drivers out here on the road. And then you have warehouses like the one we are delivering to that have absolutely no extra parking. You have to pull up on the street and check in. And if there are too many trucks inside, you have to back into the parking lot off of the street. That is always fun. That is the way it goes out here though.

I am not sure where we will be heading next. I checked with our weekend FM and he said it would probably be tomorrow morning before we get a load. That means that after we drop this load tonight, we will head back to the TA in Ontario,CA to spend the night and see what tomorrow brings. You never know though, he may surprise us with something later tonight. Now we will just play the waiting game!

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