Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It was bound to happen....

....and it finaly did. I am minding my own business cruising westbound along I-40 in New Mexico enjoying the scenery, thankful to have just gotten out of the road construction. About 31 miles up ahead I was planning on stopping so that J could have his turn at driving for the day. From our planned stop there in Santa Rosa we were going to stop in Clines Corners at the restaurant to grab some lunch. All of a sudden my sight seeing was ruined when I hear a POP then a flop flop flop flop. J who was sitting in the front seat hollers "Pull over, you blew a tire!" at the same time it registers with me what just happened. On go the hazzards and off to the shoulder I go. Best I can figure I picked up something through the construction zone. I am just thankful that it didn't blow IN the construction zone where I would have been screwed. I get parked and we stopped about 50 yards from a mile marker which was really nice. While J got out and checked the other tires I sent in a message to road assist so that they could get someone out here to get it fixed. During our training we had been told what to expect with a blown steer tire. They said that it would pull, which is to be expected, but in my head I was thinking that it would be REALLY bad. I was surprised that it didn't pull more than it did. If J hadn't said it was a steer tire, I honestly wouldn't have know which tire it was right off because it just didn't pull. Granted I was going uphill, only about 50 mph, so I'm sure that had an effect. If I was going faster it probably would have been worse. And if I had been going around a corner, that could have been really bad. I don't know what it is with me and my luck sometimes. I have the blown steer tire, I have hit a deer and everytime we have had to chain, I have been the one driving! I just thank God that I have J here to calm me down when stuff like this happens. I wasn't even nervous when it happened, I stayed calm and got her to the side of the road. But the second I hit those brakes, I realized I was shaking a little. LOL! I just consider myself lucky and that someone is watching over me.

When we get back on the road, we will be delivering in Phoenix in the morning. I hope they can find us something out of there or close so we don't have to deadhead to Los Angeles. Because we need as much profit as we can get now that we are going to have to pay for this tire and service call.

I was going to download all of the pictures from our camera and post some, but I can't find the damn cord for the camera. I know it is in here somewhere, I just don't know where and I don't feel like tearing the truck apart at the moment and looking for it.

OH! This morning I stopped in Oklahoma City at the Pilot to run into the restroom. When I was walking out there was a Schneider truck parked next to me in the fuel aisle (we had pulled up). I looked over and this chick was waving at me. Then it dawned on me that it was a couple that we had met in Fontana when they were going through training. So I jumped out and talked to them for a few minutes since there was no one behind us. They are still having problems with their DBL and aren't making a lot of money. I gave them my Prime spiel since we are making a lot more money now, but who knows. I know driving wasn't their long term plan, but if they want to look at options, they need to know there are other companies out there. Schneider was great for us when we were training, and I feel they have a great training program. But long term, we were able to find something that suited us better in Prime.

I guess that is about all for today. I wish the guy would get here to replace our tire so that we can make it to Clines Corners because I want that green chili cheese burger! Minus half the bun and only a few fries. We are still dieting, but this is our one place that we allow a cheat meal while driving. If we are on I-40 in New Mexico, and they are open, we always stop.

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