Thursday, January 10, 2008


Made it through Wyoming! Last night when I laid down around 1930 or so, the road was still closed. So we sent in a message that we wouldn't be delivering at our new time of 0500 this am because road was still closed and since it was, even if it did open, it was already dark. So we weren't going to take off until morning when we could see better. Well, because I fell asleep so early, I woke up at 0600 this morning. I got online real quick and found out that they had opened the road and there were no restrictions on the roads. Sweet!! So I woke J up and we went ahead and took off. I think what woke me up was a message from dispatch saying that the consignee would take us at 0930. When I realized what time it was and that we had better get a move on if we were going to make that appointment, I realized I would have to take off in the dark. UGH!! But I did it. The roads were almost dry. I hit I-84 which took me to the north end of Salt Lake City which meant I didn't have to deal with Parley's Summit. That made me really happy! I managed to get to the consignee at 0955 which was only 25 minutes late. So I considered that a good morning's drive.

Once I got there and they started unloading me, I got our next load. I am picking it up in Logan,UT and relaying it in Houston at the OC. Freaking AWESOME! Back to warmer weather and dry roads! But guess what?? We have to get there via I-80 back across Wyoming! And here I thought our luck had went and changed and that things were gonna get better. No such luck. Well, I can hope that we have a good trip across Wyoming this time. I don't think any other storms have passed so hopefully the roads will be even better than when I drove across yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

On, and as a side note, this load is a freeze protect load. Which means they don't want it freezing. Did it even occur to them that they may not want to ship out of Utah in the winter and they may not want to route us through Wyoming?? DUH!! hahahahaha

1 comment:

Mark Krusen said...

Just a note to say hi! I enjoy your blog. I try to read it everyother day or so. Check mine out if you get a chance.